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Safe Sport Policies

Safe sport policies are designed to ensure that our swimmers remain safe by defining our expectations around communication, behavior and relationships between coaches/board members and swimmers.

Each of us has a responsibility to ensure the safety of our swimmers. The VST board expects all parents to read these Safe Sport policies and report any concerns to the VST board.

Every person affiliated with our team is empowered to take action to ensure the safety of our swimmers whenever there is reason to believe that a swimmer is being harmed or is at risk of being harmed. If you suspect that a swimmer is in danger, you should:

  • Immediately remove the swimmer from the dangerous situation
  • Report the incident to a coach or VST board member

or if a serious or illegal incident has occurred:

  • Report the incident to law enforcement (911) and/or the VT Department for Children and Families (1-800-649-5285).

If you make a good faith report of possible abuse or neglect, you will not receive any retaliation from our team. Every one of us is committed to the safety of these swimmers and we are counting on you to make this a priority for our team.

The complete text of our Safe Sport policies can be found here:

VST Safe Sport Policies

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